Since time immemorial: Aboriginal communities in the Peace.
In the Our Story, Our Voice Gallery, visitors learn that ‘progress’—dam building—came at a high price for Aboriginal groups in the area. W3 was honoured to sit at the table with representatives from 7 local communities who gathered to tell their own story of the building of the W.A.C. Bennett Dam, despite the impact that dam-building had on their communities. During this process, W3 was there to listen to the stories and then reflect them back in physical form. The end result was an authentic representation of the past and ongoing effects, co-created by the members of the Committee and the project team. A compelling documentary film brings the space to life as one community recounts their experiences since the dams were built. Quotes throughout the gallery provide first person accounts of the upheaval and today’s resilient communities.
W3 Services: Exhibit and Graphic Design, Research and Interpretive Writing, Project Management
Lantern Films: Documentary Filmmaker
3DS Three Dimensional Services: Exhibit Fabrication
Eos Lightmedia: Lighting and AV Consultant